A football art gallery is opening up in Shoreditch from the 22nd June until 4th July. The event will feature works from some of the top names in the football illustration world alongside The Goal Hanger’s unique data inspired sports art. All artwork on display will be for sale.
Football. Data. Art.
22nd June to 4th July
11am to 7.30PM
Charlotte Road, Shoreditch London
(Next to The Bricklayers Arms)
Artwork and stories based on each nation at the Euro’s will be on display. Get your football fix this summer. Free entry but please book in advance if possible:
Featured artists:
Stan Chow
8 Bit Football
Alex Bennett
Mark Johnson
Karl Thyer
David Squires
Matthew J Wood
Fitba Tweets
Footie Classics
Yoni Weisberg
A selection of classic games will also be shown.
Work will also be on display and sold in support of:
CALM, Sporting Memories and the Sir Stanley Matthews Foundation.
Get involved yourself. We have partnered with CALM and you could be in with a chance to feature in the gallery as well. Create a piece of artwork to celebrate your favourite ever Euro's moment. Submissions to hello@thegoalhanger.co.uk by 10th June.